We appreciate trade and opening global markets is not for every SME, but for those who want to grow and explore new markets it can be rather complex. We also know government is not geared to delivering effective and efficient trade and market access. Moreover, when SMEs import often we find we do so much more work than is needed simply because government agencies don’t talk. We know this space - so much so that we have our own company (SME America SMEA) in the USA and our own Global Chamber dedicated to supporting partnerships between SMEs. So how can we help you open markets and secure opportunities?
Emission Regulations for International Manufacturing
We worked with European and Asian based manufacturers to design and implement an emissions framework in Australia for all spark driven engines, compliant with USA 2012 EPA Regulations. Key to our role was to secure Ministerial exemptions for military, surf life saving and remote use of two-stroke technology. CLICK
Marine / Oceans Policy
We’ve specialised in marine based policy most notably the largest wholesale change to Australia’s marine environment since federation - The Marine Bio-Regional Planning Process. We secured major policy reform that supported hundreds of regional / coastal SMEs who relied heavily on the marine environment for their income. CLICK
Global Manufacturers & Market Access
We represented the commercial policy interests of every international manufacturer of outboard engines in the world for nearly six years on a full time basis by partnering with the Australian Marine Engine Council (AMEC) and Outboard Engine Distributors Association of Australia (OEDA).CLICK
Renewable Energy - Wind Farms and Solar
We are working with leading USA based firms specialising in large scale wind farms to open markets for them in Australia. We are currently providing regulatory briefs on the potential starting points for investment based on Federal and State regulatory dynamics. In return these same firms are helping us analyse the USA market for the export of a brand new revolutionary ground mounted solar system built and developed Australia. CLICK
Opening Markets in the USA
We have our own companies and offices in the USA (SME America) and first started building USA based partnerships over eight years ago. The USA can be a tough gig so you need to go in with your eyes open. Assessing the risk prior to investing and having good people around you as advisers is the key to success. That’s why we are in this space and that’s why we only focus on SMEs. CLICK
Sports Analytics
We are currently taking one the worlds most advanced sports analytics companies global with their Qualitative Analytics 5.0. Currently contracted to a European international rugby union team and with serious pedigree across a dozen sports and relevant codes, right through to the Olympic level, this platform has the serious potential of being a ‘game changer’. CLICK
New Zealand
We spent nearly two years back in 2015 designing and implementing a change management model for an iconic New Zealand company with six national divisions. With offices across NZ we understand NZ and love the market. CLICK
Tourism and SMEs in Europe
In 2008 we partnered with a London based venture capital firm and built relationships with key European banks and diplomatic missions to open up the Danube River to further tourism opportunities. Unfortunately the GFC stopped us in our tracks, but with our European footprint re-established and with our close ties between Australian and the UK we just can’t wait to explore new opportunities. CLICK
Australian Trade Policy and SMes
We find it really interesting that a number of countries provide free trade advice to SMEs and yet Australia continues to maintain a cost recovery OR fee for service model.
A Flat tax?
Debates rage around the world with government's spending money like drunken sailors. So what can we learn from the likes of Hong Kong and Singapore who have a flat tax system. Does it work for SMEs?
what does reducing red tape really look like?
Governments around the world talk about it but few actually deliver. Red tape is arguably the single most pertinent factor limiting business growth. Customs, bureaucratic paperwork, blockages and a lack of policy committment. Who does it the best and why
Embrace Bi-Lateral
As SMEs we can often see trade in a combative sense - we need to compete against a particular competitor. Globalisation has however opened up amazing opportunities and from experience some of the most profitable and rewarding outcomes for SMEs can be when they work with another SME to achieve a mutual trade / commercial outcome.